Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

to play for a fall

  • 1 love

    1. noun
    1) (a feeling of great fondness or enthusiasm for a person or thing: She has a great love of music; her love for her children.) amor
    2) (strong attachment with sexual attraction: They are in love with one another.) amor
    3) (a person or thing that is thought of with (great) fondness (used also as a term of affection): Ballet is the love of her life; Goodbye, love!) amor
    4) (a score of nothing in tennis: The present score is fifteen love (written 15-0).) love
    2. verb
    1) (to be (very) fond of: She loves her children dearly.) amar
    2) (to take pleasure in: They both love dancing.) gostar de
    - lovely
    - loveliness
    - lover
    - loving
    - lovingly
    - love affair
    - love-letter
    - lovesick
    - fall in love with
    - fall in love
    - for love or money
    - make love
    - there's no love lost between them
    * * *
    [l∧v] n 1 amor, forte afeição. 2 pessoa amada. 3 cupido. 4 Sport pontuação zero (no tênis). • vt+vi amar, querer, gostar de. for love of one’s country por amor à pátria. for love or money de qualquer maneira. labour of love trabalho caritativo ou desinteressado. there’s no love last between them não se toleram. to fall in love apaixonar-se. to make love to fazer amor. to play for love jogar por passatempo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > love

  • 2 ear

    I [iə] noun
    1) (the part of the head by means of which we hear, or its external part only: Her new hair-style covers her ears.) orelha
    2) (the sense or power of hearing especially the ability to hear the difference between sounds: sharp ears; He has a good ear for music.) ouvido
    - eardrum
    - earlobe
    - earmark
    - earring
    - earshot
    - be all ears
    - go in one ear and out the other
    - play by ear
    - up to one's ears in
    - up to one's ears
    II [iə] noun
    (the part of a cereal plant which contains the seed: ears of corn.) espiga
    * * *
    [i2] n 1 ouvido. 2 orelha. 3 audição. 4 percepção. 5 atenção, consideração. 6 asa (de vaso). 7 alça, colcheta. an ear for music um ouvido para música. a thick ear pé-de-ouvido. ear that sticks out orelha-de-abano. he brought a storm about his ears ele levantou uma tempestade. it came to his father’s ears chegou ao conhecimento de seu pai. lend me an ear! ouça-me, escute-me! to be all ears prestar toda a atenção, ser todo ouvidos. to box one’s ears esbofetear alguém. to fall on deaf ears não ser atendido. to give ear dar ouvidos. to go in one ear and out the other entrar por um ouvido e sair pelo outro. to have itching ears querer ouvir as novidades. to have or keep an ear to the ground estar atento à opinião pública ou aos acontecimentos. to lend an ear escutar, prestar atenção. to make someone’s ears burn falar de alguém na sua ausência, fazer queimar os ouvidos de alguém. to play by ear tocar de ouvido. to play it by ear agir de improviso, conforme as coisas acontecem. to prick up one’s ears aguçar os ouvidos, ficar de orelha em pé. to turn a deaf ear to não dar ouvido a. up to the ears in..., over head and ears in... profundamente envolvido, enterrado até ao pescoço. wet behind the ears inexperiente, imaturo.
    [i2] n espiga. • vi espigar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ear

  • 3 pitch

    I 1. [pi ] verb
    1) (to set up (a tent or camp): They pitched their tent in the field.) armar
    2) (to throw: He pitched the stone into the river.) atirar
    3) (to (cause to) fall heavily: He pitched forward.) (fazer) cair de cabeça
    4) ((of a ship) to rise and fall violently: The boat pitched up and down on the rough sea.) balouçar
    5) (to set (a note or tune) at a particular level: He pitched the tune too high for my voice.) entoar
    2. noun
    1) (the field or ground for certain games: a cricket-pitch; a football pitch.) campo
    2) (the degree of highness or lowness of a musical note, voice etc.) tom
    3) (an extreme point or intensity: His anger reached such a pitch that he hit her.) intensidade
    4) (the part of a street etc where a street-seller or entertainer works: He has a pitch on the High Street.) ponto
    5) (the act of pitching or throwing or the distance something is pitched: That was a long pitch.) lançamento
    6) ((of a ship) the act of pitching.) balouço
    - pitcher
    - pitched battle
    - pitchfork
    II [pi ] noun
    (a thick black substance obtained from tar: as black as pitch.) piche
    - pitch-dark
    * * *
    [pitʃ] n 1 piche, breu. 2 resina de pinheiro. • vt pichar.
    [pitʃ] n 1 arremesso, lance, lançamento. 2 Naut, Aeron arfagem. 3 lote de mercadorias expostas à venda. 4 banca de mascate. 5 pico, cume. 6 acme, clímax, culminância. 7 grau, degrau, nível. 8 declividade, inclinação. 9 campo de críquete. 10 Aeron inclinação longitudinal. 11 passo de engrenagem. 12 Naut passo de hélice. 13 diapasão, agudeza de som. 14 rede de espera. 15 Mus altura do som. 16 propaganda, discurso de vendas. • vt+vi 1 montar, armar, erigir. 2 assentar, acampar. 3 fincar, cravar (postes ou estacas). 4 arremessar, lançar, atirar. 5 Sport lançar a bola ao batedor (beisebol). 6 pavimentar com cascalho. 7 expor à venda. 8 sl contar, relatar. 9 plantar. 10 decair, declivar. 11 colocar em nível determinado. 12 Naut arfar, jogar. 13 entoar, afinar instrumentos ou voz. 14 empilhar (feno). at the highest pitch fig no auge, na altura. at the pitch of his voice no tom mais alto de sua voz. circular pitch Tech passo circunferencial. high pitched emotions emoções exaltadas. high pitched roof telhado muito íngreme. to pitch and pay pagar à vista. to pitch at anchor Naut arfar sobre as amarras. to pitch a yarn contar uma história. to pitch in a) começar a trabalhar intensamente. b) comer vorazmente. c) ajudar com, cooperar. to pitch into a) atacar, assaltar. b) repreender energicamente. to pitch on (ou upon) decidir-se por, escolher. to play at pitch and toss jogar cara ou coroa. to the highest pitch extremamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pitch

См. также в других словарях:

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  • To play for love — Love Love (l[u^]v), n. [OE. love, luve, AS. lufe, lufu; akin to E. lief, believe, L. lubet, libet, it pleases, Skr. lubh to be lustful. See {Lief}.] 1. A feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; pre[… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Play it by Ear Productions — is an audio theatre production company devoted to the development and distribution of original plays for radio, the internet, and compact disc; the company was founded in 2002 by actor/playwright/producer Lance Roger Axt in New York City, New… …   Wikipedia

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